What You Should Know Before Buying A Diamond Bracelet
Buying a diamond bracelet for your girlfriend is a significant step since you will give her something unique to express how important she is to you. However, when you purchase a diamond bracelet for the first time, you may find yourself venturing into uncharted territory.
When you are looking for the perfect piece of jewellery for a loved one, you need to think about the different types of diamond bracelets and their characteristics.
You may have previously heard about the 4Cs of buying a genuine diamond bracelet: colour, clarity, cut, and carat weight, each of which are important considerations when purchasing a genuine diamond bracelet.
So, what factors should you take into consideration? The following diamond bracelet buying advice is an excellent resource if you are considering purchasing your first diamond bracelet. It will assist you in finding a diamond bracelet while considering factors such as choosing the optimum size and style, selecting the appropriate metal, measuring the wrist, and so on.
1- Decide on the appropriate size and style
Choosing the perfect diamond bracelet for the bride might be challenging because there are many different styles from which to choose. Take great care to select a design that you are confident she will appreciate.
She will be more appreciative of your gift if you can give her a bracelet that fits her style and taste. If you're not sure about her fashion sense, you might consult her friends and family for more information.
Brazalete de medio diamante con montura de garra, diamante G/SI de 0,90 quilates en oro blanco de 18 k
Los patrones intrincados y los detalles delicados de esta hermosa pulsera esclava de oro blanco y diamantes son la manera perfecta de agregar un toque refinado a cualquier atuendo. Una pieza de joyería perfecta para complementar el estilo único del… read more
2- Selecting the ideal precious metal
A conventional gold diamond bracelet and a silver diamond bracelet are the most popular metal choices when it comes to choosing a metal for your jewellery. There are a variety of possibilities, such as diamond bracelets made of white, yellow, pink, and rose gold. Platinum is a popular choice with its beautiful white sheen and unrivalled durability. Silver is a popular choice, but we do not recommend it because silver's softness renders it prone to damage in day to day wear.
Gold is a safe choice, given the range of colours in which it is available. Try to avoid buying plated or hollow metal, even though these forms are cheaper than solid gold. Look out for the carat grading of the precious metal.
Gold is available in several purity levels. The most commonly found in the UK are 18K, 14k and 9K. 9K is a more affordable option when compared to other options. Pure gold is 24K but is rarely found in jewellery due to its softness. Lower carat grades of gold are less pure than higher grades and sometimes look slightly different in colour than 18K gold due to the other metals mixed into the precious metal. An advantage of lower grades of gold is that the metal will be harder and more durable than higher grades – and is, of course, less expensive to buy!
Brazalete Tennis de zafiros y diamantes de 2,25 quilates en oro blanco de 18 k
La elegancia artesanal se desborda en este elegante brazalete de tenis con zafiros y diamantes. 1,05 quilates de diamantes brillantes y de origen ético están engastados junto con zafiros brillantes y relucientes en un engaste de bisel frotado sobre oro… read more
3- What is the proper way to measure the wrist?
The wrist measurement is taken just below the wrist bone, which is an important consideration to keep in mind. Professionals recommend utilising a flexible measuring tape to get the job done. Also, a piece of paper with the measurements marked with a pencil will suffice if using a tape measure is inconvenient.
4- Standard women's diamond bracelet sizes
There are two primary sorts of standard bracelet sizes, and they are as follows: - cuff bracelets, which are the most common type in the UK and - bangle bracelets are less common. In some parts of the world, for example in India, Bangles are much more popular than bracelets.
It is worth remembering that many jewellers use the two terms almost interchangeably. A bangle is a solid piece of metal, perhaps with a clasp to enable putting on or removing the piece. A bracelet comprises links that can each move, giving a flexible fitting around the wrist.
The wrist measurement size for a link or chain bracelet is approximately 18cm in circumference.
Medium-sized bangles have a circumference of around 20cm.
Brazalete de diamantes con montura de canal Diamante G/SI de 0,60 quilates en oro rosado de 18 k
Nuestro hermoso y atemporal brazalete de diamantes está hecho a mano en oro rosado de 18k. Cuenta con 0,60 quilates de diamantes de calidad G/SI brillantes y de origen ético en un engaste de canal que brilla exquisitamente al captar… read more
5-Does a bracelet need to be made of expensive diamonds to be worthwhile?
Most of the time, people do not spend much money on a diamond bracelet, making the look and price the most important factors. On the other hand, if you're looking to purchase something special and of high value, great attention should be paid to the 4Cs.
Most diamond bracelets do not use large diamonds in the design. It is widespread to find many small diamonds in pave or channel settings. You won't be able to see the correct brilliance in the bracelet because the diamonds are so small compared to the sparkle you would notice in a diamond ring or necklace. On the other hand, a well-designed bracelet or bangle using small diamonds has a unique visual effect from the expanse of diamonds on the wearer's wrist.
Brazalete clásico de tenis con diamantes de 3,00 ct G/SI en oro amarillo de 18 k
Esta preciosa, original y artesanal pulsera presenta un diseño único. El diamante G-SI redondo de 3,00 quilates brillará maravillosamente bajo cualquier luz. Esta pieza muestra el más alto nivel de artesanía. Elaborada con el oro amarillo más fino, esta pieza… read more
Our Final Thoughts
Diamond bracelets and bangles are some of the most popular items in our store. They make a perfect gift without a diamond ring's implicit message and commitment. The prices fall within the budget of many gift buyers, and women love to wear them.
These were some considerations to consider when purchasing diamond bracelets for women. Please visit our online store and browse our collections of British designed and handcrafted bangles and bracelets. You will be inspired by the work of our designers and artisans! We are confident that you will find the ideal gift.