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All About Diamond Cross Necklaces

All About Diamond Cross Necklaces

Andrew Wilson Andrew Wilson
5 minute read

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Everything You Need To Know About Diamond Cross Pendants

Diamond cross necklaces or pendants, sometimes called crucifix pendants, are pendants made into a cross (or crucifix) shape. They can be made of plain metal, often silver, or decorated with diamonds and other precious stones in a precious metal setting.

Cross necklaces are not a new idea, they have historical roots going back thousands of years, but diamond cross pendants have suddenly become all the rage. This could be because there is something so traditional and comforting about a cross pendant. There is also something very fashionable about them, although many women will wear them for various reasons. Whatever the reason, this type of necklace is lovely and can be made to fit many women's tastes and style perfectly.

What Is A Diamond Cross Pendant?

A diamond cross necklace is a piece of diamond jewellery that represents the Christian cross. There are other types of cross available such as the inverse cross, Celtic cross, templar cross or the tau cross. This article concentrates upon the traditional Christian style cross design. A diamond cross pendant is worn in much the same way as other diamond necklaces, suspended from a chain around the neck and hanging down the chest. Some women like to wear it above the heart, which makes it look very feminine and lovely.

Although it is common to refer to the cross used in a necklace pendant as a crucifix, historically, a crucifix is a cross with an image or figure of Jesus on it.

Collar de cruz de diamantes con diamantes G/SI de 0,11 quilates en oro amarillo de 9 quilates

Collar de cruz de diamantes con diamantes G/SI de 0,11 quilates en oro amarillo de 9 quilates


Si busca un colgante de cruz de diamantes simple pero elegante, no busque más con nuestro atemporal colgante de cruz de oro amarillo de 9k hecho a mano en el Reino Unido con diamantes de calidad G/SI de 0,11 quilates.… read more

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The Christian cross is the most easily recognisable cross style. For many people, the cross is a symbol of faith. The cross is thought by many people to bring the wearer protection as a reflection of its religious symbolism.  These days, many people wear the cross with no more meaning than being a simple design that is attractive in and of itself. For these people, the cross is no more than a fashion accessory.

The diamond cross pendant is the most popular among women. The cross pendant symbolises the sacrifice that Jesus made for us. A cross pendant can be made from various metals such as gold, silver, platinum, or a mixture of these and other metals. 

Why Are Diamond Cross Necklaces So Popular?

Women love this type of accessory because it does not make them feel too feminine. It gives them just the right touch of class and gives them something to hold onto as they are wearing this exquisite piece of jewellery. A cross pendant does not have to be work around the neck. Some women choose to wear them around the waist or ankle. Because it can be worn in so many ways, a diamond cross pendant can go with just about any outfit. This means you can wear a cross for a casual outfit or a formal outfit - you can even have one custom made to match a particular outfit you want to wear.

Another great thing about a diamond cross necklace is that they do not need to be hugely expensive to buy. Many women can find great deals on beautiful necklaces at online jewellery stores, which tend to offer better value than traditional jewellery shops. Of course, you need to pay attention to the cost of the diamonds in the jewellery, which can be expensive. 

Cruz de diamantes redondos y baguette de 1,10 quilates en oro rosado de 18 k

Cruz de diamantes redondos y baguette de 1,10 quilates en oro rosado de 18 k


Los diamantes de talla baguette y redonda son una combinación impresionante. La mano de obra experta y el diseño moderno aseguran que se verá magnífico en los años venideros. El colgante cuenta con 1,10 quilates de brillantes diamantes de calidad… read more

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A diamond cross pendant can look great with just about any outfit, which is why it is such a popular choice. You can find many women with an elegant necklace and then pair it with a gorgeous diamond cross pendant. You can dress up just about any outfit for that special occasion. 

If you have a piece of jewellery that has a lot of shine, such as a diamond bracelet, then you might want to consider adding a diamond cross pendant to accessorise it. You can buy several diamond cross necklaces and put each one on separate chains if you want to. You will be amazed at the looks this seemingly simple piece of jewellery can create! It's a good idea to shop around and find out the best values for a specific diamond cross pendant you're looking at. Before you buy, make sure to check the quality of the diamonds used in the cross. The last thing you want is to spend a lot of money and be disappointed by the quality of the diamonds in your new jewellery.

When you find yourself wearing diamond cross necklaces almost every day, you could start looking at the different options available to you. Diamonds come in an array of colours and prices, so you can easily find one that fits your budget. Start looking at the range of designs available for diamond cross pendants, and you'll never look at jewellery the same way again!

Collar de cruz de diamantes con diamantes G/SI de 0,25 ct en oro amarillo de 9 quilates

Collar de cruz de diamantes con diamantes G/SI de 0,25 ct en oro amarillo de 9 quilates


Este collar tiene un atrevido engaste de cruz de oro amarillo que resalta los hermosos diamantes G/SI en su mejor forma. La delicada cadena de oro de 9k fluye a través de la piel hasta el colgante de cruz clásico… read more

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Give A Diamond Cross Pendant As A Gift

Many diamond cross necklaces are given as gifts at significant times in a young person's life, such as baptism, first communion, or confirmation. They are often gifted at important secular milestones in a person's life, such as graduation or reaching adulthood, even when the giver and recipient are not themselves religious. 

You do not need to be a Christian to enjoy wearing a diamond cross pendant. The simple shape is attractive in its own right. 

You can choose a simple design or go for something more intricate to suit your taste and budget. At All Diamond, we created a collection of diamond cross pendants in white, yellow, and rose gold at prices appropriate to all budgets and occasions. Please check out our collection of diamond cross pendants and be inspired to find the perfect gift for yourself or somebody important to you!

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