Diamond Jewellery Trends That You Should Know About
Diamonds are, as the saying goes, forever. But when it comes to trends and fashions, diamonds are subject to the changes led by the jewellery and fashion industries just as any other item we wear. Recent diamond jewellery trends give us jewellery lovers lots of options from which to choose. At the moment, sophistication is not taking the lead in current jewellery fashions, no matter the occasion.
Cheerfulness is where it is now, perhaps a reaction to the worldwide pandemic. Still, whether it's layered rings, stud earrings, heart-shaped jewellery designs, light-heartedness and good cheer are at the heart of many new jewellery designs. To prepare this short article, we rounded up some of our design team. Then, we pitted them against the marketing team to identify the diamond jewellery trends that you should know. They concluded that diamond shapes were almost the most critical aspect to consider. That's because almost everything else about the jewellery is subject to the basic shapes of the precious stones used in the design.
All Diamond is an online diamond jewellery retailer that offers excellent quality diamond jewellery at great value prices. In addition, we offer on-trend diamond jewellery that your partner will adore. Both you and your partner can browse our extensive collections of fine diamond jewellery to find just what you're looking for.
Este hermoso anillo de compromiso de diamantes es una manera fantástica de expresar el próximo nivel de su compromiso con la dama especial de su vida. El anillo está hecho a mano con atención al detalle por nuestros expertos artesanos… read moreAnillo de compromiso de diamante con piedra lateral Halo certificado 1,20 ct G/SI Oro blanco de 18 k
Diamond Engagement Rings
Diamond engagement rings have traditionally tended to be spectacular in design, the single most significant and valuable item of diamond jewellery in the wearer's collection. However, a diamond can be relatively simple or complex and astonishing. We have so many beautiful designs and shapes of engagement rings from which to choose.
There's no surprise that the most popular type of engagement ring is the solitaire. However, even with a solitaire design, there are many variations possible and ways to customise even this apparently simple style.
Diamond Pendants
A diamond pendant is a diamond feature attached to a chain made of precious metal and a clasp. Trendy right now are the so-called evil eye or hamsa pendants. These are about good fortune, not about casting spells on other people. Also, finding favour right now are heart-shaped designs, whether the design is a single heart-shaped diamond or pavé set clusters in a heart shape. Very often, pendant necklaces are given as gifts of love and affection.
Este hermoso colgante solitario eleva cualquier atuendo y se ve muy bien en todas las mujeres. El colgante está hecho a mano en lustroso oro blanco de 18k con un deslumbrante diamante de calidad G/SI de talla redonda de 0,20… read moreColgante clásico con diamante frotado sobre solitario 0,20 ct G/SI Oro blanco de 18 k
Diamond Stud Earrings
In a solitaire ring, the diamond is held in place using simple prongs. Thus, everyone who sees the ring can admire the fire and sparkle of the ring without distractions from the simple elegance of the solitary diamond.
Cushion-Cut Diamonds
The cushion-cut shape is now the leading trend in diamond shapes. But, of course, the brilliant round is still the unsurpassed leader in buying choices. Still, after almost 200 years, the cushion cut has been perfected. Today the cushion-cut is practically indistinguishable from the round shape in terms of its light performance. In addition, the square shape with curved edges gives a stone that is visually larger than a similar carat weight round shape making a more impressive diamond ring.
The Brilliant Round Cut
The round cut is the classic diamond shape with its 57 perfectly symmetrical facets giving unsurpassed brilliance. Light passes right through this diamond shape, maximising the light dispersion from both reflection and refraction. No matter what the setting, you cannot go wrong with a brilliant round cut diamond.
Marquise Cut
The marquise cut is an elongated shape with curved sides and pointed ends, similar to a rugby ball. This shape creates an optical illusion of size and can be a stunning shape to see as it catches the light. If you want a diamond that looks large for the money, the marquise shape can be the ideal choice. However, its sparkle is slightly reduced compared to some shapes because it is more shallow than, for example, the brilliant round shape.
Asscher Diamond
The Asscher Cut diamond was created by Joseph Asscher, a diamond cutter, in 1902. It was the first diamond shape to be patented and trademarked. The Asscher is a square cut gem with a small table and a high crown. This lovely shape has many facets, unlike the simpler design of the emerald cut. Hence, the Asscher has a good deal of internal reflection and refraction, giving a good light performance.
Since the IP protection on the design ran out, many diamond cutters and designers have used the design, or a modification, in their work. As a result, the Asscher cut has become increasingly popular with diamond jewellery lovers.
The final item on our list is the Princess cut, the diamond cut for those who love angular designs and lots of facets. The modern look of the princess cut comes from the square, angular shape. Unlike most diamond shapes, the gem's orientation within a ring or other jewellery can be altered, typically either aligned at 90 degrees to the finger or offset by 45 degrees depending upon the wearer's taste. Box claws are often used to mount the diamond, emphasising the squareness and protecting the diamond's delicate corners.
De alta calidad y siempre a la moda, este brazalete es una joya que los compradores deben tener. Impresionantes diamantes se han engastado en esta hermosa pieza para hacer este brazalete único. Hecho con un corte princesa, este brazalete seguramente… read moreBrazalete de diamantes de talla princesa de 2,65 quilates G/SI Diamante en oro blanco de 18 k
Although each of the diamond shapes above has become increasingly on-trend, the brilliant round cut is far and away the most popular among jewellery buyers. Buying one of the alternative shapes can often lead to a better value purchase. The round diamond shape is the most costly to buy on a carat by carat basis.
Whether you choose a piece of diamond jewellery for somebody else or as a personal treat, make sure it fits the wearer's taste. No matter what is supposed to be trendy or style leading, if it is not beautiful in the wearer's eyes, then it will not be worn.
Most women have just one or two pieces of diamond jewellery. That means the choice has to be correct. There's no opportunity to change for another item because of a picture on the front cover of Vogue. When you choose fine jewellery, it is essential to take note of diamond jewellery trends. But buying the right piece of jewellery is more important than fashion or even the amount of money you spend. Spend enough to buy the right piece, and that's all you can hope to do!
Our collections of fine diamond jewellery have a range of classic, vintage and cutting edge designs. So please take a few minutes to browse our collections and be inspired to make the perfect choice for yourself or someone very special.