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The Push Present Guide: Ideas And Etiquette (2021)

The Push Present Guide: Ideas And Etiquette (2021)

Andrew Wilson Andrew Wilson
6 minute read

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What Is A Push Present?

Until recently, I had no idea about push presents. If you'd asked me, what is a push present? I would have had no answer to give. When my wife was almost ready to give birth to our first child, a friend asked me if I would give my wife a push present. I must have had a strange look on my face because my friend went into a brief explanation of what a push gift is and why I should give one to my wife, and when.

Briefly, a push present is a man's gift to the mother of the couple's new child after the birth. It's a gift to commemorate the pain and efforts of pushing out a baby. When I did a little research, I found out that push presents are sometimes given before the birth and sometimes afterwards when the mother has time to recover from the efforts of childbirth. Of course, the child is the biggest gift. Still, showing appreciation for the trials and tribulations of pregnancy, morning sickness, labour, and even body changes, that's no bad idea considering that the man's only experience is any of these things a second hand.

With my keen interest in jewellery, my first thought was this a gift of jewellery would probably be well received. I did a little research and found out that while many types of push gifts are given by fathers and even other family members as push presents, jewellery gifts are probably the most popular and may well be the best received.

Where Did The Idea Of Push Presents Come From?

I was interested in finding out a little about the history of push presents. When I looked on Google, I found various ideas about giving a push present. Some suggestions came that push presents started to become popular in the United States around 2004. There seems to be a connexion between giving gifts and increasing involvement in fathers and pregnancy and parenthood. I can see that that makes sense. Men are becoming more aware of the trials and tribulations and the rewards of pregnancy. We want to recognise the journey of pregnancy in our loved ones. In recent years the custom has become common in the UK – although I think that many men will still be as unaware of the practice as I was.

Other sources suggested that the giving of push presents came from the Indian subcontinent and had a much longer tradition and that it is this history that drives the giving of jewellery as gifts to mothers at the time of childbirth

Push Present Etiquette

There's not much to consider in etiquette for push presents gift-giving apart from the timing. The timing is really at the choice of the new father, and he may choose to be flexible about the exact timing based upon the progress of the delivery. It seems that some guys take the gift with them to give immediately after the delivery of the new child. In my opinion, that's where the flexibility comes in. The new mother may not want to be receiving gifts after the trials of labour and when she is exhausted and needs time to recover.

Whatever your thoughts about timing, there's one thing that is certain. It would be best if you were well prepared in advance of the due date, so it is good to have the push present ordered well before the due date. In that way, if the baby is delivered early, you will be prepared. Nobody will ever be the wiser if you choose not to give the gift immediately after the baby has been born.

If you plan to give your push present just after the delivery of your new child, try to choose a quiet moment. Avoid times when the new mother is not being examined, having her vital signs checked or tending to her new baby. Most new mothers are exhausted and have new priorities after childbirth, so choose your timing carefully. I decided to give my wife her push present when she arrived back home with our new child. As the gift was a complete surprise, there was no question from her about why I had not given it earlier.

Some Thoughtful Push Present Ideas

I asked around the team, both men and women, for their thoughts about jewellery ideas to give as a push present. Here's what we came up with. Of course, you should choose whatever you think is best.

1. A birthstone ring

This is an obvious choice, but giving birthstone jewellery will be a permanent reminder and connection with the birth of your child.

A blue sapphire birthstone ring

Anillo de cinco piedras con diamantes de 0,40 ct y zafiro azul de 0,75 ct en oro blanco de 18 k

Anillo de cinco piedras con diamantes de 0,40 ct y zafiro azul de 0,75 ct en oro blanco de 18 k


Un hermoso anillo que seguramente impresionará a cualquier ser querido, esta opulenta pieza presenta una combinación de zafiros azules y diamantes. Hechos a mano con los más altos estándares, estos anillos están hechos de oro blanco de 18 quilates de… read more

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2. An initial ring

If you have already decided upon your child's name, then an initial ring can be a permanent reminder.

A rose gold initial ring

Anillo Fancy Diamond Initial 'Q' 0.12ct Calidad G/SI en oro rosa de 9k

Anillo Fancy Diamond Initial 'Q' 0.12ct Calidad G/SI en oro rosa de 9k


No hay duda al respecto; su ser querido estará encantado de recibir este maravilloso y elegante anillo con la inicial "Q" elaborado en romántico oro rosado de 9k con 0,12 quilates de brillantes diamantes engarzados en forma de garra para… read more

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3. A charm bracelet

A charm bracelet to which you can add new charms to celebrate events in the life of your child and family will be a gift that grows in emotional value over the years to come.

4. A birthstone pendant

A lovely pendant featuring the birthstone of your new child, keeping the memories of your new arrival close to her heart every time she wears it.

A birthstone pendant as a push present

Collar en forma de corazón con rubí de 1,67 quilates y diamantes de 0,43 quilates en oro rosa de 18 k

Collar en forma de corazón con rubí de 1,67 quilates y diamantes de 0,43 quilates en oro rosa de 18 k


Brillantes diamantes de calidad G/SI de origen ético y ricos rubíes escarlata se combinan en perfecta armonía para formar el colgante central que muestra el romance atemporal de la forma de un corazón. Las gemas están incrustadas en cálido oro… read more

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5. A birthstone bracelet

A birthstone bracelet is a piece of jewellery that is always close to hand and always in sight—a reminder of your child and family.

A diamond and emerald push present

6. A pair of birthstone earrings

A subtle yet decorative gift that can be worn on many occasions.

Diamond and Tanzanite birthstone earrings

Push Presents At All Diamond

Although push presents are a new idea in Great Britain, the idea seems to be a good one. My wife appreciated having a token to commemorate our child together. While there are many gifts that one could give, the idea of a permanent gift in the form of jewellery seems like a good one. The jewellery does not need to be directly commemorative or birthstone related. The most important thing is that it reflects your feelings and will be a great addition to her jewellery collection!

At All Diamond, we have many gifts and hopefully some great push present gift ideas to inspire you if you decide to give your wife a push present in the form of jewellery. You can order your gift in good time so that you are prepared well before the mother of your new child goes into labour.

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