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Romantic Proposal Ideas That Will Not Break The Bank

Romantic Proposal Ideas That Will Not Break The Bank

Andrew Wilson Andrew Wilson
9 minute read

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10 Romantic Proposal Ideas That Are Cheap Or Free!

If you’re going to pull off a romantic proposal, you need to think about budget, logistics, timing and much more. The best romantic proposal ideas will make your partner feel like the most special woman on earth.

The most successful proposals tend to focus on creating a romantic mood, rather than focusing on the details of the actual proposal itself. This can include: making the location romantic (maybe by going somewhere secluded), playing soft romantic music, having a candlelit dinner or going to a special place.

A successful proposal requires a lot of planning, as well as some creativity. It takes some time to put together and execute, and it's not something you can pull off in an afternoon. So if you're serious about proposing, read on to learn how you can make the most of your time and resources so that your proposal delights the woman you love and that she will remember the event for the rest of her life!

Here are the top 10 ideas I got from real-life proposals I've heard over the years.

All of these ideas are based at home, no need to travel, or pay exorbitant prices to hire musicians or for costly restaurants or hotels! Of course, these ideas can easily be adapted to any location and you can add to them if you choose and your budget allows. However, in all these ideas, it is the experience and emotions that you create that will make for the perfect marriage proposal!

1) Propose to her with breakfast in bed

It's a very simple suggestion, but we can guarantee that it will make your girlfriend feel loved and special. Place the ring on a tray and serve a wonderful breakfast in bed. Wait for her reaction; you will be sure to bring a delighted smile to her face.

Serve her a plate of fresh fruit and a glass of Champagne Nothing is sexier than waking up to a plate of fresh fruit and a glass of Champagne – especially when you have just popped the question. Use a special ring box instead of the box supplied by the jeweller. When I proposed I used a hand-carved wooden box. Ring boxes can be bought at many jewellers or from online retailers, and they make the perfect accompaniment to the ring that you have chosen to show that you are thinking about your future together. If you don’t want to spend any money, simply wrap the ring box in a pretty ribbon and place it in the bedroom, where she will find it when she wakes up.

2) The romantic dinner proposal

The romantic dinner proposal is a great way to get engaged! Nothing says “I love you” quite like a romantic, candlelit dinner with great food, wine, soft music, and a beautiful diamond engagement ring. Prepare a romantic meal yourself, or if you can burn a boiled egg, have a delivery of a really special meal from a good restaurant.

At the right moment, take her hand, tell her exactly how you feel about her and ask that important, life-changing question!

3) Make your proposal into a game

This is a great idea if you both enjoy playing board games. She will think this is an ideal way to ask her to marry you.

The best idea might be to have a custom-made jigsaw puzzle that as it is pieced together reveals the question to her.

Perhaps you might suggest a game of Trivial Pursuit, after several questions to lull her into a sense of security, make one of the questions ‘Will you marry me?'

If you are good with words, you could make the proposal during a game of Scrabble! Form out the words as you play and be ready with the ring as the words finally become fully revealed!

When you're ready to propose, have the ring and the engagement ring, so you can give your special someone the traditional proposal!

4) Have your pet help you with your proposal

If you want to include your dogs in your marriage proposal, there are many options. As an example: Your pet's collar can be decorated with a 'Marry Me' sign.

If you can teach your dog to carry a box with the ring inside, he or she could deliver the ring to your lady. It's possible to place the ring on your pet's collar and have it wear it. If you have a pet, make sure he or she has an ID tag that includes you and your partner's contact information. Doing this shows you actually consider yourself to be starting a new life together.

5) The 'tricked you' proposal

This is one to try if you enjoy taking a risk! Only do this if your girlfriend is a good sport! If you don't give the game away by smiling, it can be incredibly effective.

You will need to plan ahead for this idea, and make sure that you have purchased the ring a ring that she will love!

Then, while doing normal activities at home, over a meal, or watching Netflix, ask your girlfriend what size ring she wears on her 3rd finger. Perhaps you might give her a ring sizer - to help her measure her finger. Don't be romantic, keep a straight face!

Don't be surprised if she is not too happy about you bringing up the subject of engagement or marriage in this way. But that is the moment to say something like, 'well, you can try this ring on to check if it is a good fit.' and get on one knee and make your proposal.

She will certainly be surprised. Hopefully, she will take your move in good spirit. One important thing - if you do this, make sure that you have planned for a romantic day to follow your proposal! Champagne and rose petals are an absolute minimum!

6) The living room or garden picnic proposal

This picnic proposal will take place in your living room or garden. You can recreate the outdoors in your garden or living room. If you are indoors, then decorate the room to bring the outdoors inside.

A picnic hamper with champagne, of course, and delicious, but light food that you both enjoy.

Lay out a blanket to set the scene and set out the picnic goodies.

When the special moment arrives, when the time is right. Say the magic words, "Will you marry me?"

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Anillo de compromiso de diamantes con montura de hombro certificada de 0,50 ct G/SI en platino


Este hermoso anillo de diamantes es la máxima expresión del amor. Úselo como el anillo de compromiso perfecto para su persona especial. Este impresionante anillo está hecho con los mejores materiales en el Reino Unido para brindarle una vida llena… read more

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7) Propose to her with a romantic treasure hunt

This is the perfect proposal to do at home. First, leave a message in a place your loved one will be sure to see it – for example, on the fridge, TV screen, or her dressing table mirror.

The message should be a clue telling her to go to another room where she will find the next clue.

If you want to make your treasure hunt marriage proposal more memorable, consider these creative ideas. You can make the treasure hunt more personal by writing cryptic clues or you could have clues that involve items in the house that hold memories of your time together. Use your imagination to make her work a little - in a fun way, of course!

The final clue will bring her to you, ready to make a traditional proposal on bended knee, with a beautiful engagement ring.

8) The ‘include the kids’ proposal 

If you have kids, this is a lovely idea. You'll make your special day even more special by involving them in your wedding proposal. They will adore the idea of being part of your engagement.

There are many ways to make this proposal work, here are just a couple. You could write a proposal on your garden wall or the driveway using pavement chalk. You might bake a cake with the question written in icing - you could involve the children in helping you make the cake. Think about ordering some T-shirts online for you and the kids with the words 'marry me' and a special one for your new fiancée that says something like 'I said yes!' for her to wear when she accepts your proposal.

9) The memories proposal

Your garden, living room or other space should be decorated with photographs of the two of you. The goal is to show her your love story, in pictures. Try to use pictures from your first meeting up to today. Perhaps you could put up a banner with the question, "Will you marry me? When what you are doing starts to sink in, bring out the engagement ring and pop the question.

10) The 'just the two of us proposal

You may wish to keep things low-key at home. One day, when there's just the two of you and the mood is right, perhaps that might be the perfect time to make your proposal. You could be watching something on Netflix or eating a meal together. Just seize the moment, kneel down and ask the question that you both want to hear. 

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Anillo de compromiso de diamantes con halo certificado con 0,30 ct G/SI en oro rosado de 18 quilates


Este elegante anillo de compromiso de diamantes simboliza el compromiso eterno y el amor eterno. El elegante anillo está elaborado en cálido oro rosado de 18 quilates con 0,30 quilates de diamantes de origen ético adornados. El diseño de este… read more

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Sometimes simple is best and if your future wife is that sort of person then - go for it!

Never forget a marriage proposal is a very personal thing. It is about the two of you, about your love story and your life together.

In conclusion, you should go into this with the mindset that you’ll be making someone a very happy person. That’s how they’ll feel about themselves. So, if you’re going to propose to a girl you’ve been seeing for a while, don’t just ask her, “Will you marry me?” This is too generic. Make sure you’re asking her if she’d like to become your wife. You’re the only one who knows her needs, wants, and desires. Don’t let anyone else dictate how you should propose. Be true to yourself and your feelings. I’m sure one of these romantic proposal ideas will be perfect for you!

Let us help you find the perfect engagement ring; we will be proud to be part of your life together. Please visit our collection of diamond engagement rings and let our designers and craftsmen inspire you to have a memorable marriage proposal!

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