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The Perfect Earrings For Zoom Meetings

The Perfect Earrings For Zoom Meetings

Irina Collier Irina Collier
6 minute read

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Diamond Earrings And Zoom Meetings What's The Connection?

What do most women do when they have an important meeting? Pretty much the same as men do. Pull on their jacket, make sure their shoes look good (perhaps replace their flatties with a pair of smart heels) and go take that meeting like they were born to do it. But now, something new: earrings for Zoom meetings!

The idea of the power suit didn't spring from nowhere. They're real!

But that was then, and this is now.

Two years ago, if you uttered the word 'zoom' in company, you might get a quizzical look and perhaps somebody might say 'zoom zoom' back at you. You'd feel rather silly and retreat to your cubicle.

But today, Zoom and other similar apps have taken over our post-covid world. The power suit is becoming a relic as male and female executives get to grips with looking good on a webcam displayed on a shared screen.

What's the point of wearing a suit or smart heels to a meeting where nobody will see lower than your shoulders (unless something dire has happened!).

Status Still Matters

As we all know, the clothing we wear at work signals status. We might all be wearing suits but the details matter. Are the shoes hand made or stamped out of plastic in China? Is the suit an off the peg number from Marks and Sparks or a made to measure one. If it's made to measure, is it a cheapy from Indochino or a bespoke suit from somewhere discreet in London?  The differences may be minor, but we can all read the signals.

But Zoom messed things up! How can you signal status when all you have is your face and an out of focus background?

And status is important. It may be unwritten, but in almost every meeting, we can see everyone on the pecking order in a load of different ways. A bunch of bland faces on a monitor? Nope, not a clue!

Aretes de Diamantes 0.10ct Calidad G/SI en Oro Blanco 18k

Aretes de Diamantes 0.10ct Calidad G/SI en Oro Blanco 18k


Este brillante par de aretes de diamantes tiene diamantes de calidad G/SI sostenidos de manera segura por reluciente oro blanco de 18 qt. Estos elegantes aretes serían una excelente inversión ya que el diseño clásico asegura que nunca pasarán de… read more

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What's A Girl To Do To Signal She's Number One In The Group?

The first trick that people cottoned on to was to make sure that they were well-groomed. Men made sure that they didn't have a five o'clock shadow. Women made sure that they had a touch of lipstick and something around the eyes. But that's not a real solution. That's the baseline. One might even suggest that the person who can get away with being unkempt is probably the boss – and nobody else. So, that leaves a pretty level playing field.

It seems that women have been managing to find the answer. But it means that we now need to learn a whole new signalling language.

Anna Hacker, a lawyer and national manager of estate planning with Australian Unity Trustees, quoted on ( says that she now has dozens of pairs of earrings where once she had around five pairs. She wears diamond or pearl studs for meetings with senior management. She dresses down with earrings in the shape of animals or zany patterns for meetings with lesser mortals. The same article suggests a hierarchy of earrings:

  1. Diamond and pearl studs for senior managers
  2. Discreet huggies for staff
  3. Flamboyant drop earrings made of colourful acrylics or hand-painted wood for client meetings or presentations.

Aretes de Diamantes 0.40ct Calidad G/SI en Oro Blanco 18k

Aretes de Diamantes 0.40ct Calidad G/SI en Oro Blanco 18k


Estos hermosos aretes cuentan con un par de diamantes brillantes redondos cortados perfectamente a mano asegurados en monturas de garras. Nuestros aretes de diamante exclusivos son seguros para usar y no contienen níquel, por lo que no causarán ninguna irritación… read more

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Research from various sources and just looking at what colleagues here at All Diamond HQ are doing suggests that there is something in this. Colleagues are spending less on clothes but upping their earring game. However, as you might imagine, they tend to go for diamond-based ideas rather than lumps of plastic and wood. Frankly, I cannot see any good reason to insult my ears and the eyes of my colleagues with plastic and wood. We are not barbarians here, after all!

What Are Zoom Friendly Earring Ideas?

Setting aside the idea of wearing nasty things made of wood and plastic on the ear, there are some ideas that can be of practical benefit and look good at the same time.

1)     Don't dress up your ears like you're going clubbing. At the same time, there's not much point in wearing earrings if they can't be seen.

2)     Consider hoops for visibility, but pass on pendants. The latter can appear a tad fussy, especially if you are wrangling a pair of earbuds or headphones.

Aretes de Diamantes 0.50ct Diamantes Calidad G/SI Oro Amarillo 18k

Aretes de Diamantes 0.50ct Diamantes Calidad G/SI Oro Amarillo 18k


Estos aretes tipo argolla de diamantes de elegante diseño son una pieza que cualquier dama elegante estaría encantada de recibir. Cuentan con una montura de oro amarillo de 18k complementada con medio quilate de diamantes G/SI de origen ético en… read more

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3)     For subtle visibility and practicality, try a pair of our Daisy Diamond Cluster Earrings. Great with short hair and a low-key statement of high status.

Aretes de racimo de diamantes con margaritas de 0,25 ct G/SI en oro blanco de 18 k

Aretes de racimo de diamantes con margaritas de 0,25 ct G/SI en oro blanco de 18 k


Nuestros llamativos aretes de racimo de margaritas y diamantes son imprescindibles y quedarán bien con cualquier atuendo. Este aparentemente perfecto juego de aretes con diamantes de margarita y perno prisionero en racimo fue cuidadosamente elaborado a mano en el Reino… read more

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4)     Please have a look at our Diamond Trilogy Rub-Over earrings. Three diamonds in rub-over settings that show off the precious metal.

Trilogía de diamantes Rub Over Drop Aretes 0.60ct G/SI Oro amarillo de 18 k

Trilogía de diamantes Rub Over Drop Aretes 0.60ct G/SI Oro amarillo de 18 k


Este es un hermoso par de aretes colgantes de trilogía de diamantes con un diseño elegante y con estilo. Los aretes están hechos a mano en oro amarillo clásico de 18k, y cada uno de los aretes exhibe tres brillantes… read more

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5)     Two precious stones in one earring. Now, these have to be a top pick to project status on a Zoom call. For a start, nobody will miss the green of emerald or the blue of a sapphire. Then the sparkle of the white diamonds, that's a perfect message.

Aretes de racimo ovalado de diamantes y esmeraldas de 1.00ct Oro blanco de 18 k

Aretes de racimo ovalado de diamantes y esmeraldas de 1.00ct Oro blanco de 18 k


Nuestros aretes de esmeraldas y diamantes son perfectos para un look de absoluta sofisticación. Fueron magníficamente hechos a mano por artesanos británicos en un marco de oro blanco prístino. Cada arete tiene una esmeralda de forma ovalada rodeada por un… read more

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There's no need for huge dangly things getting in the way of your hair and distracting your colleagues—just perfect gemstones doing the talking without you saying a word.

Don't Settle For Rubbish. That's No Way To Signal High Status!

When you search online for something like "Zoom meetings and earrings", you will be presented with endless pages promoting big dangly affairs made of wood, plastic, acrylic or cheap metal. But think for a moment. What can any of these things say about you that you want to say about yourself?

'I'm so poorly paid that I can't afford proper jewellery'.

'I don't have any confidence, so my jewellery has to shout out all the time.'

'I'm so low status that you can safely ignore me'.

Those are not good messages.

Aretes de Diamantes 2.00ct Calidad G/SI en Oro Amarillo 18k

Aretes de Diamantes 2.00ct Calidad G/SI en Oro Amarillo 18k


2,00 quilates de brillantes diamantes de calidad G/SI en el estilo moderno y a la moda. Montado de forma segura en un atractivo metal de oro amarillo de 18 quilates. Estos versátiles aretes de diamantes son una combinación ganadora con… read more

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Send Out Strong Positive Messages With Your Jewellery

Let the world know that you have taste and confidence and that you cannot be ignored. You have valuable things to say!

That's what fine diamond earrings can subtly say on your behalf.

Please, take a moment to check out our collections of diamond earrings for Zoom meetings. I think that you will see several pairs that speak to you and let you know they will be ideal for you to wear in online meetings, and maybe dinner dates in real life too!

The United Kingdom seems to be leaving the worst of the pandemic behind us. But the effects will be with us for years. Zoom and other online meeting systems will be around indefinitely. Of course, meetings with colleagues worldwide will continue to be online if for no other reason than many other countries are still in the midst of the pandemic.

Now is the time to feel good about ourselves. Let's make the best of an imperfect situation and prove to colleagues and bosses that we are up to the challenges of a new world of work and business.


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