Diamond Jewellery Tips For First Time Buyers
If you are a first-time jewellery buyer, then you may have little or no idea of the best way to go about buying diamond jewellery. With this in mind, we have put together some essential jewellery tips for people who have never purchased or owned fine diamond jewellery before. These handy hints will help to make your jewellery shopping experience a much more pleasurable one.
Tips Before You Buy Diamond Jewellery
1) Don't buy anything you don't understand
Always educate yourself on a subject before making an investment or buying anything. For example, don't just go out and buy a diamond ring without first educating yourself on the specifics of diamonds. A jeweller may try to trick you into buying something that isn't worth what he's asking for based off your ignorance. If you are well-informed, you can't be duped.
Discover more about buying diamond jewellery here.
2) Dress influences jewellery choice
When choosing the type of jewellery for your wedding, think about the style of your dress and how it will influence what kind of jewellery you choose to wear. If you have a high neckline, you might not need a necklace. If your dress has long sleeves, you'll probably want to leave out a bracelet.
La elegancia artesanal se desborda en este elegante brazalete de tenis con zafiros y diamantes. 1,05 quilates de diamantes brillantes y de origen ético están engastados junto con zafiros brillantes y relucientes en un engaste de bisel frotado sobre oro… read moreBrazalete Tennis de zafiros y diamantes de 2,25 quilates en oro blanco de 18 k
3) Consider buying semi-precious stones
Buying jewellery can be tricky. If you're not careful, you may end up paying way more than you should. Consider choosing semi-precious stones. You'll be able to find them in a variety of cuts, colours and price ranges. Not only will you be able to get more for less, but since people often choose precious stones, your semi-precious gemstone jewellery may seem even rarer than diamonds!
Discover more about semi-precious stones here.
4) Other precious stones - the next best thing
Diamonds, emeralds, sapphires and rubies are often called precious gems. Although these stones are much more expensive than most other gemstones, if you don’t want to buy a diamond, the other precious stones can provide a beautiful look. Emeralds, sapphires and rubies tend to be less costly than diamonds.
We offer a wide range of jewellery that uses other precious gemstones either on their own or with diamonds. These stones can give a new look to jewellery and because they tend to be less expensive, they can provide the new look at a relatively low cost.
If you are after durability, you may want to go with ruby or sapphire. These two stones are the next hardest gems after diamond – they both have a hardness of 9 on the Mohs scale (diamond has a hardness of 10).
5) Ask about her preferences
Most engagement rings have a single diamond ( a solitaire ring), but if your fiancée has preferences, ask her which kind of diamond she prefers. If she wants a ring with several diamonds in it, then that should be what you look for. Some prefer round diamonds, while others prefer oval-shaped diamonds; again, follow her preferences!
6) Know the 4 Cs of diamonds
When buying diamond jewellery such as engagement rings, earrings, necklaces, and bracelets, knowing the 4 Cs of diamonds is important. They are Cut, Clarity, Colour and Carat. It's also good to know about the 5th C called certificate. This report tells you about the quality of the diamonds in your piece of jewellery.
Discover more about diamonds here.
Casi un quilate completo de aguamarina forma un límpido charco de luz en el centro de los exquisitos diamantes cortados a mano que lo rodean. Este colgante es una pieza llamativa que será un toque final ideal para todos sus… read moreCollar de aguamarina con diamantes G/SI de 0,97 ct y 0,33 ct en oro blanco de 18 k
Tips When You Are Buying Diamond Jewellery
7) Discuss the purchase
When buying an engagement ring, if your fiancée has any special wishes or ideas, be sure to discuss them with the jeweller. There are many kinds of stones available, from different colours and shapes. If your fiancée is a fan of blue, perhaps you can get her a ring that features a blue diamond or a gorgeous sapphire at a much lower cost.
8) Don't be dazzled!
Always view diamonds in the correct lighting and with the right background. Diamonds should never be viewed on a black background. A black background alters your perception of their real shine and colour, and so you may buy a diamond and then later realize that it isn't as clear and perfect as you had first thought. Always look at the diamond under magnification and make sure you understand what you are seeing. It is essential to see precisely what you are buying.
9) Research it
If you plan to buy jewellery labelled as antique, research it. You should get a certificate of authenticity with any diamonds other than the very smallest. The diamond's certificate should be from an independent source. Jewellery needs to be at least 100 years old to be considered antique. The diamond should also be from a recognizable European art period.
Tips For After You Have Bought Diamond Jewellery
10) Cleaning your jewellery
Don't use harsh cleaning chemicals such as bleach or ammonia to clean your jewellery. These chemicals can ruin your jewellery, from dulling stones to discolouring bands to eroding enamel or glue.
Cleaning your jewellery should be done with a soft cloth. From time to time, have a jeweller perform a thorough clean. The jeweller will recommend necessary maintenance or repairs to damage that you might not have noticed. Find out more about caring for your new jewellery here.
11) Choose jewellery that suits your face shape and personal taste
Wearing fewer jewels makes a more prominent statement than having too many small pieces. Large pieces are in style right now, so when you go out to a social occasion, choose one or two bold pieces of jewellery. You can pair a large, flashy ring with dangling earrings.
Large and flashy jewellery can make your necklaces, bracelets, and rings look gaudy and unattractive. It would be best always to go for pieces that suit your face shape and personal taste. The best piece of advice when it comes to choosing jewellery is to wear only what makes you happy and confident.
12) Get something you love
When you're looking for something special and unique to wear, you don't want to get any old piece of jewellery. You deserve a magnificent experience, and jewellery can be a part of that wonderful experience.
The All Diamond Buying Experience
We are diamond jewellery specialists, but our designers work with other precious stones to give you beautiful designs that are a bit different. You want to invest in fine jewellery that delights you and will continue to do so for many years to come – we want the same for you!
When you buy from our online store, you have the opportunity to see how your purchase looks and feels in your hands, in your home. If you find that your choice does not meet your expectations, it can be returned to us and exchanged or even refunded in almost every case. That's not something that high street retailers customarily do.
You can talk to one of our jewellery experts through our chatbox on almost every page (bottom right-hand corner of the screen). If we're not available, leave a message with your question, and we will get back to you. We want you to be overjoyed with whatever you choose.
Don't forget you can spend as long as you want looking through our collections of a vast range of products. We will never hurry you or push you to make a decision. Buying diamond jewellery is an investment, and we know you want to make the best possible choice.
Whether you are looking for an engagement ring, a bracelet, earrings, a pendant or more, we have thousands of styles and designs to inspire you.