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What Are Yellow Diamonds And Why Might You Choose One For Your Diamond Engagement Ring?

What Are Yellow Diamonds And Why Might You Choose One For Your Diamond Engagement Ring?

Andrew Wilson Andrew Wilson
7 minute read

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All About Canary Yellow Diamonds

When we think about diamonds, most of us have a mental image of a clear, white, sparkling gemstone. The reality is that these clear diamonds are scarce. Almost all diamonds have at least a trace of colour, most often yellow or brown. This article looks at yellow diamonds and discusses why you might choose a yellow diamond, sometimes called a canary diamond, rather than the classic white or colourless diamond.

What Are Yellow Diamonds?

Steel grey, white, blue, yellow, orange, red, green, pink, purple, brown, and black are just a few of the hues that may be found in diamonds. Pure diamonds are entirely transparent and colourless, while coloured diamonds include impurities or structural flaws that allow light to scatter in unusual ways. Coloured diamonds are often called "fancy diamonds".

Yellow is by far the most commonly found colouration; indeed, many white diamonds used in jewellery have a very slight, often unnoticeable yellow tint. That is why diamonds are graded for colour in the 4Cs quality grading scale.

Yellow diamonds get their colour from a slight nitrogen impurity in the carbon crystal matrix. The more nitrogen, the deeper the yellow colour.

Is The Yellow Colour Natural?

The yellow colour in a diamond is entirely natural, and such diamonds are absolutely authentic. If you like the warmer shade of a canary diamond, then you can choose one safe in the knowledge that the colour is natural. Unlike some other gemstones, diamond colours are not faked, and, of course, if you buy a diamond of 1 carat or larger, you should expect a diamond grading report for your diamond confirming its origin and quality.

Most diamonds sold as yellow or canary will have a colour grade of Y or Z or be described as Fancy Deep or Dark Yellow.

Similarly to other coloured diamonds, yellow diamonds may also be found in unusual colour combinations. Diamonds can come in various shades of yellow, including brownish-yellow, orangey yellow, greenish-yellow, and others. In general, the value of a natural yellow diamond is lower if it has secondary colours other than yellow. However, much like what we say about coloured diamonds, every coloured diamond is unique!

How Are Yellow Diamonds Formed?

The formation of yellow diamonds is the same as that of any other natural diamond. All diamonds are created deep below the planet's surface amid intense heat and pressure conditions. Millions upon millions of years are required to form these priceless gems.

The nitrogen included in a diamond gives it its characteristic yellow colour, making a canary diamond. Nitrogen will have been present alongside the carbon from which diamonds are created. There is a wide variation in the brightness of their yellow hue, from almost invisible to a canary-like bright.

Are Yellow Diamonds Rare?

Most diamonds in jewellery from the highest-graded gemstones have a slight yellow hue that nobody apart from a professional jeweller will notice. Fancy-grade yellow diamonds are exceedingly uncommon. About sixty per cent of all fancy-coloured diamonds are yellow. The other colours are even rarer! Only one carat of natural fancy yellow diamond is found in every 10,000 carats mined.

The rarity of fancy yellow diamonds is the main reason for their price.

Names Used To Describe Yellow Diamonds

Over the years, yellow diamonds have been given several different names. Sometimes these are no more than marketing terms; sometimes, they refer to the origin or specific shades of yellow.

The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) established a standard for designating diamonds of different colours, and this system is widely used across the diamond industry. The carat weight comes first, then the stone's colour intensity, any secondary hues (sometimes called overtone colours), and lastly, the primary colour.

A 1.00ct Fancy Vivid Orange Yellow Diamond is a Yellow diamond with a dominant yellow hue with a secondary orange tint. The diamond weighs 1.00 carat and has a Fancy Vivid intensity rating. Fancy Vivid is the strongest and deepest colouration making it the highest-priced intensity grade for a natural fancy colour diamond).

Yellow diamonds are often called Canary diamonds. Specifically, Canary should be used to describe very yellow stones. In GIA terms, these would be fancy intense or vivid yellow. You may see the word "Zimmy" occasionally used. Zimmys are a vibrant, rich yellow. While the term is often used interchangeably with Canary, to be more accurate, Zimmys are diamonds originating from the Zimmy mine in Sierra Leone and were famed for the depth of their colour.

Where Are Yellow Diamonds Found?

Like other coloured diamonds, yellow diamonds may be found in all corners of the globe. Yellow diamonds are produced in South Africa, Australia, India, Canada, and Russia; however, vivid yellow diamonds are most commonly found in South Africa.

Anillo de compromiso con diamante amarillo solitario ovalado de 0,30 quilates en oro amarillo de 18 k

Anillo de compromiso con diamante amarillo solitario ovalado de 0,30 quilates en oro amarillo de 18 k


Los diamantes son la forma más popular y elegante de expresar tu amor por alguien. ¡Y con el impresionante anillo de compromiso de oro amarillo de 18 quilates de All Diamond, puede hacerla sentir de la misma manera! La banda… read more

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Are Yellow Diamonds More Expensive than Colourless /White Diamonds?

In the same vein as other natural coloured diamonds, yellow diamonds are exceedingly uncommon. Furthermore, yellow diamonds may be sold with very high clarity grades. As a result of both of these factors, their prices will naturally change.

When compared to regular, colourless diamonds, yellow diamonds are more costly. Compared to other fancy-coloured diamonds, yellow diamonds are relatively inexpensive. For example, 1 carat VS2 clarity dazzling fancy yellow diamond may cost over £3100 when writing this article, whereas a 1 carat VS1 clarity colourless diamond can cost around £2600.

Yellow diamonds of greater depth of colour cost 30%-50% more than "normal" fancy yellow diamonds, and bright yellow diamonds can cost as much as 100%-150% more!

Please keep in mind that these are only ballpark figures and that, in the end, each diamond is graded and evaluated based on numerous characteristics, not just the famous "4 Cs."

As yellow diamonds continue to rise in popularity, more and more would-be brides are opting for yellow diamond engagement rings instead of traditional white diamond bands. This trend tends to push prices higher.

Remember that low colour-graded colourless diamonds, those with a colour grade of Y or Z on the standard GIA grading system, will have noticeable yellow colour. These diamonds are less costly than the deeper coloured fancy yellow-graded stones. At the same time, these are also less in demand, either as colourless or yellow gemstones.

Yellow Diamonds Or Colourless Diamonds – Your Choice!

Colourless diamonds are still the standard in engagement rings and other jewellery because of tradition and expectations; however, that is changing. Today's consumers tend to be willing to consider non-traditional alternatives and are less conventional in their preferences. Yellow diamonds are becoming more desirable because they stand out from the crowd, show off vivid hues, and are incredibly lively while maintaining that signature sparkle.

If you like the look of a yellow diamond in an engagement ring or other diamond jewellery, go for it! There is no practical reason not to do so!

All Diamond Yellow Diamond Jewellery

Our designers leapt at the chance to design a jewellery collection using yellow diamonds; you can see the work of our designers and artisans here. Just as with all our jewellery, you have a full 30 days after you receive the item to return and exchange it, so if you are not quite sure or you have second thoughts, don't worry! We want every purchase that you make to be perfect!

Every piece of yellow diamond jewellery carries our customary lifetime workmanship guarantee. You can have the reassurance that our artisan's work is of the highest quality for decades to come!

When you first put a yellow diamond ring on your finger, you may wonder why anyone buys colourless diamonds! The deep yellow colour of a yellow diamond looks stunning in jewellery. That said, take time to choose the setting most appropriate for your lifestyle and tastes and choose the precious metal of the jewellery to suit your skin tone and preference.

Please take a few minutes to look at our jewellery using yellow diamonds. See for yourself just how lovely these diamonds look! We hope that you will be inspired to choose a piece of jewellery using yellow diamonds!


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